Vision Care & Eye Health Tips

There’s a lot you can do to care for your eyes. Vision care is primarily focused on keeping your eyes as healthy as possible, but many eye health care tips can also benefit your overall health. Let’s explore our top 10 eye health tips and learn how taking excellent care of your vision can improve your health and wellness.

1. Visit your eye doctor regularly. 

See your eye doctor at least once every two years, or yearly if you’ve experienced eye problems of any kind. Tell them about any vision issues you have or are currently experiencing, including: 

  • Diminished vision
  • Dry or irritated eyes
  • Eye redness or swelling
  • Floaters or flashes in your field of vision
  • Headaches, which may indicate a visual and/or neurological condition

2. Get screened for eye diseases or disorders. 

An important part of taking care of your vision is getting screened for signs of disease or other conditions. Some eye problems can be resolved if caught early enough. Others can be treated to slow the progression of the symptoms. Tell your doctor about any family history of eye disease or eye disorders so they can be on the lookout for early signs and take that information into account when planning your vision correction and care.

3. Prioritize your vision care

Your eye doctor can assess your vision, update prescriptions, and make recommendations for laser eye procedures like LASIK. Follow any of your eye doctor’s recommendations to take proper care of your eyes, don’t skip eye care appointments, and make sure your eye care is up to date. Your vision impacts every facet of your life, so taking care of it should be a priority.

4. Take care of your eyes while they’re working. 

Your eyes work hard every day, especially if you spend much of your day looking at a screen. Make it a point to blink frequently and use the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and look 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds. If you need glasses or contact lenses, wear them so you don’t end up straining your eyes more than necessary.

5. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. 

Sunglasses protect your eyes from UV damage, which can eventually lead to cataracts or macular degeneration. Wear sunglasses that block at least 99% of UVA and UVB rays anytime you’re in bright or glaring sunlight. To be safe, it’s best to keep a pair of sunglasses with you at all times, just in case you need them.

6. Wear eye protection when necessary. 

People working in construction or in factories should always wear eye protection. If you do anything else that increases the risk of eye injury—including certain sports, home projects, and more—wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from getting damaged.

7. Eat well and stay hydrated. 

Staying hydrated helps maintain tear production, which keeps your eyes from becoming dry. Try to drink 8 glasses of water each day to ensure you’re properly hydrated. Eating antioxidants, like those found in dark leafy greens and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, also helps keep your eyes healthy. These fatty acids help to maintain proper retinal function, encourage ideal visual development, and keep your eye’s oily outer layer healthy.

8. Get enough sleep each night. 

Lack of sleep can cause your eyes to strain due to insufficient tear production. You may also experience light sensitivity, blurry vision, or eye spasms when you don’t get enough sleep. A good night’s sleep allows your eyes to rest completely so you can see clearly

9. Wash your hands before touching your eyes.

Anytime you’re going to touch your eyes, including putting in and removing contact lenses, wash your hands thoroughly first to prevent infection and irritation. Wash with warm water and soap, scrubbing your hands for 20 seconds before rinsing completely.

10. Exercise regularly. 

Regular exercise helps keep your entire body healthy, but it can also help prevent serious eye diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and more. Exercise helps promote healthy blood vessels and blood flow, helping to reduce intraocular pressure. It also helps prevent or control diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, which can all affect your vision over time.

Ultimately, taking care of your eyes requires taking good care of yourself, which includes incorporating these eye health care tips into your life. If you can prioritize maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular health care, and thoughtful protection of your eyes, you’re much more likely to enjoy healthy eyes and great vision for a good long time. Use these eye health tips, to take the necessary steps to care for your vision and your overall health. 

In addition to your everyday eye care, be sure to schedule regular visits with an experienced eye doctor as part of your eye care routine. Contact Dello Russo Laser Vision to see if LASIK eye surgery might be the next step in your ideal vision care plan. 

To find out more about the LASIK procedure, read through our informative LASIK FAQs. You’ll get information about what makes someone a good candidate for LASIK, LASIK safety, what to expect before and during the procedure, and how to prepare for your LASIK recovery timeline. For additional information unique to you and your eyes, schedule a complimentary initial consultation to find out if LASIK is a good match for you. Taking proper care of your eyes means finding the right vision correction solution for you.